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The Moon Report

New Moon!
~12° Leo


A Leo New Moon Reminds Us ~
To Live from the Inside > Out..
Rather than from the Outside > In.
This is especially valuable when the outside world is in chaos.
Connect With Your Heart
Find Your Inner Calm.


A New Moon draws us INWARD, to reflect and re-set. A Leo New Moon reminds us of the Power within our Hearts. When our Heart is open & balanced we are better able to; give & receive Unconditional Love, experience Joy, Bliss and Inner Peace. This week the Sun, Moon, Venus and Vesta are all in the sign of Leo. This brings a great deal of attention to our Creative Essence, the Heart and the Heart Chakra.

LEO is the Latin word for LION.
The Lion Symbolizes to Us the Strength & Courage it takes
To Follow Our HEARTS &
Remain Loyal to Our Souls.


Ways to connect with your Heart & Heart Chakra:

Practice Gratitude.
• Meditation (Try METTA, Lovingkindness Meditation)
• Prayer
• Creative Outlets!
• Play!!
• BREATH-WORK: (my favorites~Max Strom Breath-work 7 Healing the Heart > Elements In the Desert Breath-work Classes)

As we move through LEO SEASON over the next few weeks consider connecting with the Leo Energy, allowing it to support and guide you on your Destined Path.

The Spiritual Task of Leo is to encourage Us to Follow Our Hearts-
To Connect with what Lights Us Up & What Brings Us Joy!!

Are you happy?
• What animates you? What makes you feel alive?
• What brings you Joy?
• Think of ways you can experience more Soul filled "Bliss" this month.

Lion's Gate Portal & Perseids

Every August 8th the Earth aligns with the Star Sirius creating a very auspicious event called "The Lion's Gate Portal". It will be close alignment July 28 - Aug. 12. Sirius is the brightest Star in the sky and is more than twice the size of our Sun. Sirius was considered the most important Star in ancient Egypt, with Sirius Rising marking the beginning of their New Year. Sirius is from the Universe just beyond our Solar System, it is called the Sirius System where the Planets revolve around Sirius. Ancient cultures considered Sirius to be our "Spiritual Sun."

Our Sun rules the sign Leo & August 8th is the EXACT mid-point of the Leo month.

August 8th in numerals is 8-8. Eight is considered the luckiest number in Numerology as it represents infinity, abundance and prosperity. 8-8 is believed by many to be the luckiest day of the year! Observing and celebrating the Earth's alignment with Sirius on August 8th has occurred for many centuries. The Lion's Gate Portal is believed to create openings to the Cosmos for downloads and manifesting. This week is an ideal time to pray, meditate, create, spend time in nature, listen, write and connect with the Stars!

Perseid Meteor Showers; July 14- Sept. 1. Meteor Showers are also an auspicious event enhancing our ability to connect to Higher Sources and receive downloads. Since ancient times, Meteor Showers were celebrated with dance, believing that the Meteor Showers were Magical showers from the Gods. The Perseids are the brightest Meteor showers of the year and will peak August 11-12. Even if you are not able to observe the Magical event, trust that you can experience Cosmic downloads during meditation and dreams throughout the month of showers. For more info on viewing Perseids click here.

Mercury Retrograde Aug. 4 - Aug. 28

Just hours after the New Moon, Mercury Stations Retrograde for the 2nd time this year. This particular Retrograde moves from 6° Virgo to 21° Leo, further encouraging us to Discern with the Head & Lead with the Heart. This is a challenging protocol to follow, notice what messages Mercury brings you this month on how you can operate differently.

This month we will have Mercury, Eris, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune and Pluto ALL in Retrograde!! Retrogrades are when planets “appear” to be moving backward, as they are slowing down. Retrogrades are always about “re’s”. Reassessing, rethinking, reconsidering, reviewing, re-aligning & releasing. All Retrogrades are an opportunity to re-align ourselves.

Retrogrades pull us back so we can get a better visual~
A wider view & greater perspective.
With this greater visual we have more clarity & confidence in moving forward.


Mercury is the fastest moving Planet in our Solar System. It rules our thoughts, communication and transportation. Mercury rules our Left Brain (knowledge, facts, schedules). With strong Mercury in our chart we think fast, talk fast and multi-task. When Mercury slows down, we suddenly cannot juggle 5 things at once... the balls drop. Positively, Mercury invites us to balance our Right and Left Brain. When Mercury is in Retrograde, it is an ideal time to write, create, use our imagination and connect with our Intuitive Nature. Often Mercury Retrograde can feel frustrating. It is the "trickster" Planet after all. Mercury intends to "trick" us into doing things differently.


During the Entire Month of August~
The Cosmos Pulls Us back to Reflect on
It Guides Us to Face Our Fears, Find Our Courage
& Showers Us With Magic, Inspiration & Love
Inviting Us to Connect with Our Hearts, Heal & Find More Bliss!

Donna xo


"Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness." CARL JUNG- Leo Moon 

Past Moon Reports


Aquarius New Moon


Leo Super Full Moon


Capricorn New Moon


Cancer Full Moon

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